Shutterstock kündigt neues Abrechnungsmodell an, Kritik von Fotografenseite

  • Paul Brennan, VP, Content Operations, bei Shutterstock kontaktierte Shutterstock-Fotografen und kündigte im Laufe der nächsten Wochen einige Änderungen in der Fotografen-Abrechnung an:

    "In the coming weeks, Shutterstock will be updating the earnings structure that determines how much you get paid when customers license your work. We are making this adjustment in order to reflect changes in the market for creative content, help to create fair opportunities for all our contributors, and reward performance with greater earnings potential.

    How does it work?
    • These new levels are based on the number of times your content is licensed rather than your lifetime earnings.
    • All contributors reset to level 1 for both images and videos every year on January 1st.
    • There are separate levels for images and for videos, and you graduate through them independently based on your download count in each category."

    Fotografen befürchten eine - weitere - Verschlechterung ihrer Einkommensituation in der Zusammenarbeit mit der Microstock-Agentur. Zumindest wird der neue Entwurf in den Microstockforen heftig negativ kommentiert. Etwa hier:…k-just-became-istock-2-0/

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